Welcome back to School!

Talofa and welcome back to school! I hope you had a wonderful summer.  My sons and I were able to catch some waves on the beaches of Oahu and spent some time reconnecting with family. 

I am super excited for this year:) We have a lot of plans for our kiddos. I know with your support, we will have a successful year! 

Our class website will be updated at least once a week.  Here you will find information pertaining to class lessons, important dates, and general school events/reminders.

Our kiddos will have back to school activities, learn new schedules, and establish classroom rules.  In other words, your child will receive a good amount of information this week:) Don't worry though.  Mrs.Tejeda and I will do our best to guide them:)  

Instructional supplies like composition notebooks, plastic folders, and pencils are needed for the first week of school.  Supplies like wipes, paper towels, and ziploc bags do not have to come in all on day 1 or day 7.  These supplies can come in by September 30.  

If you have a question or concern on the curriculum, your child, or just need clarification, please email me at hnomura@coralacademylv.org